Native Peoples of North America

This anthropological survey course covers the prehistory, history, cultural characteristics, and diversity of native peoples of North America.  Culture areas investigated include the Arctic, Subarctic, Northwest Coast, Plateau, California, Great Basin, Southwest, the Great Plains, Eastern Woodlands (Northeast and Southeast), Mesoamerica, and the Caribbean Islands.  The course will also cover the impacts of European contact, […]

Humanities in Western Civilization II

This interdisciplinary course examines the ideological, economic, political, religious, psychological, artistic, social, philosophical, and military components involved in the cause and effect relationships which have molded the western cultural heritage from 1650 to the present. Classes consist of informal lectures, readings, quizzes, seminars on readings, and student presentations.

Humanities in Western Civilization I

This interdisciplinary course examines evolutions of western culture from its classical origins up through 1550 A.D. This is accomplished through the examination of multiple perspectives including literature, art, music, philosophy, politics and theater. Classes consist of lectures, group seminars on readings and student projects.

Introduction to Canadian Studies

Students acquire an understanding of a nation that is becoming increasingly important to the United States. Why two countries instead of one, free trade, a unified North American economic zone, Quebec separatism or National health care? These and other pertinent issues are studied and discussed. By comparing the United States with Canada, students gain a […]

Acting and Scene Study I

A workshop-style, basic acting and scene study, this course is based on the Sanford Meisner approach, and an overview of the great theater practitioners from Thespis to Stanislavski. Students participate in vocal and movement activities, as well as theater exercises, and they analyze characters through scene studies of playwrights’ texts. (Prerequisite: HUMA160L)

Introduction to Theatre

This overview of theater through the production process combines a history of theater with elements of stage craft, acting technique, play analysis and script writing. (Prerequisite: ENGL100L or Permission of Instructor)

Music Appreciation: 19th and 20th Centuries

This course will build and appreciation of music from its basic elements through a historical reflection of music in society. The ability to discern musical examples will heighten the enjoyment and understanding of music as it is explored in the 19th and 20th centuries.

Music Appreciation: Medieval to 18th Century

This course will compliment your appreciation of music from its basic elements through a historical reflection of music in society. The ability to discern musical examples will heighten the enjoyment and understanding of music as it is explored from the Medieval Ages through to the end of the 18th Century.

Chinese Language and Culture

This course is intended for non-Chinese background students with no previous knowledge of Chinese. Emphasis is placed on developing conversational and reading skills, while some relevant cultural background is also integrated with the language training. The Chinese phonetic system “Pinyin” is introduced at the beginning of the course. Vocabularies of 120 words plus approximately 30 […]

Arabic Language and Culture

This course is designed to teach the students the Arabic alphabet, numbers and their sounds accurately. Also, to teach basic vocabulary words of conversation in the form of politeness, social greetings, etc. Also, the course touches on different Arabic culture, such as education, politics, women’s roles, dress code, food, etc.

Cultural Anthropology

This survey course involves the study of human beings and their cultures, customs, origins and development. Specific topics examined and discussed include human origins and evolution, human cultures, race and ethnicity, religions, taboos, political systems, economic systems, kinship, sexual norms and mores, gender roles, marriage, educational systems, art, and the effects of globalization on local […]

Introduction to Archeology

This course is an introduction to anthropological archeology. It first examines the history and development of the discipline along with a survey of the methods, theories, and practice in modern archeology. The course then focuses on the major developments in world prehistory. These include human origins and the evolution of culture, prehistoric technology, peopling of […]