Gerontology Practicum II
Building upon attitudes, skills, and knowledge acquired in Gerontology Practicum I (HSV171L), the student will develop more advanced competencies as a basis for the learning contract and will be evaluated by criteria appropriate for a second year student. Work at the practicum site, along with peer review, self-reflection, and disclosure, combine to create a structure […]
Human Services Practicum II
Building on skills and knowledge gained in Human Services Practicum I (HSV161L), students develop more advanced competencies as the basis for the learning experience and will be evaluated using criteria appropriate for second year students. Work at the practicum site, along with peer review, self-reflection, and disclosure, combine to create a structure that promotes and […]
Gerontology Practicum I
This course combines supervised human services work at a community agency with instructor facilitated student peer review. This is an individualized learning experience that enables the student to develop and apply attitudes, skills, and knowledge in a real work setting. Work at the practicum site, along with peer review, self-reflection, and disclosure, combine to create […]
Human Services Practicum I
A course combining: supervised human services work at a community agency, with instructor-facilitated student peer review. This is an individualized learning experience that enables the student to develop and apply attitudes, skills, and knowledge in a real work setting. Work at the practicum site, along with peer review, self-reflection, and disclosure, combine to create a […]
Introduction to the Practicum
Designed to prepare students for human services practicum experiences, this course provides opportunities to identify and practice skills in the areas of interviewing, communications, human relations, research, ethics, and management of time and work. This course is required for all Human Services students.
Foundations of Conflict Resolution
This course is designed to provide students with the essential foundations of Conflict Resolution. This is a theory based course that will enhance students’ awareness of violence in society as well as bullying and conflict related issues that arise in the workplace and personal environment. Students will study, research, and analyze various theoretical models of […]
Justice and the Community
This course will provide a comprehensive overview of emerging trends in community justice and support services, with an emphasis on community integration of service delivery, juvenile justice, and violence in society. Changing societal, judicial, and community values will be explored within a historical context; with regard to their impact on the evolution of emerging community-based […]
Psychosocial Aspects of Aging
This course examines the growth and development of older persons from both psychological and sociological perspectives. The interaction of the individual with the social environment provides a framework for this course with special attention given to societal valuing and devaluing of older persons. The growth and development of older adults, social roles, expectations, opportunities, and […]
This survey course in gerontology includes a history of the changing demographics of aging, social and economic factors, potential impact of stress, housing, and retirement. Legal issues, as well as protection, safety, community services, and care are discussed.
Individual Assessment and Planning
In this course we address the question of how human potential can be recognized and enhanced. To answer this question, we will critically examine the perspectives and tools that are commonly used. Our focus will be to build on strengths and develop ways of supporting continued growth and personal goals of people who choose to […]
Learning and Behavior
This course discusses the history and principles of behaviorism and presents learning theories and teaching techniques based on positive behavior principles. Presentation and discussion focus on the ethical and client rights issues of understanding and promoting effective behavior. Recent trends and techniques for applying learning principles in a variety of settings will be included.
Supportive Communication Skills
This course provides an overview of theory, process, and the practice of primary interpersonal communication skills. Students are assisted in developing skills to supportively communicate with a variety of people in a range of environments.